Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Patty at Sisters

WOW!!! I just found out my pal Amy has not only a website and a blog for her fabulous shop in Sumner, Today's Country Store, BUT she has her own blog as well!

So... since my name on my SISTERS ANTIQUES blog is Sister Patty, I figured this was the perfect name for my personal blog! Great idea, right? Wrong... after trying and trying and retrying... I kept getting the message that this name was not available!

Go figure -- Sister Patty (blogspot) is, in fact, already taken. Yup... there's a nun named Patty and she has a personal blog... you guessed it -- Sister Patty! How unfair is that! But considering her connections are probably a little better than mine... I'll call it quits right now.

So Sister Patty at Sisters Antiques will also be known as Patty at Sisters. Close, I guess...